
Specialized in industrial cleaning systems

Does your cleaning system operate continuously or between breakdowns?

A single unplanned stoppage can jeopardize a month’s worth of planning, so it’s crucial for your machines to remain operational and ready at all times.

Take back control of your industrial operation!

Consumable parts wear out over time and others may unexpectedly break. However, production must remain constant and uninterrupted. To guarantee this, place your trust in our expertise and know-how.

Discover our ultimate solution in washer maintenance

Eliminate the possibilities of downtime on your production line

Spinula Care

Scheduled maintenance service specialized in washers

Based on a pre-established schedule, it’s conducted regardless of whether the equipment presents issues or not. It includes inspections, cleanings, lubrications, part replacements, adjustments, and performance tests, among other activities, conducted by our team of specialized professionals.

Discover the Advantages of Acquiring Spinula Care

Cost Reduction

Regular maintenance can help prevent unexpected failures that may result in expensive repairs or even the need for industrial washer replacement.

Improved Efficiency

Preventive maintenance can help keep the industrial washer in its best operational state, maximizing efficiency and productivity.

Extended Lifespan

Proper maintenance can help extend the lifespan of the industrial washer, preventing excessive wear and prolonging efficiency.


Regular maintenance can help ensure that the industrial washer is safe to use, minimizing risks of accidents or damage to both the operator and the machine.

Don’t be caught off guard by interruptions due to lack of maintenance

We offer a comprehensive assessment of your machine’s technical condition, including recommendations for future repairs and component wear levels. This information helps you to identify replacement needs and timing, eliminating production downtime. With Spinula Care, you’ll get:


Time to plan repairs


Production alignment with maintenance cycles


Reduced risk of unexpected malfunctions

Breakdowns happen. But they can be prevented!


Interested in learning more about how we can help you tackle challenges with washer maintenance?

Count on us!

We’ll be ready before any malfunction occurs, ensuring you decide on production efficiency rather than downtime. Fill out the form to start a conversation!

    Address Brazil

    Alameda Júpiter, 855
    American Park Empresarial
    Indaiatuba/SP - CEP 13347-397

    Address United States

    15530 Middlebelt
    Livonia, MI 48154

    USA - +1 734 245 8005

    Brazil -  +55 19 3834-7146